Electronic based music & I’m rambling.

Today I was thinking about body music and other forms of electronic based music. There are too many to list and many crossover each other and then combine to create a new form of electronic music. With that said I’m not going to try to dissect or make distinctions about any of the genre right now. Maybe never. Who knows. But what I do want to muse about is electronic music and how it’s positioned as post punk. Seems like I just made a distinction here. I will probably also dissect in a few sentences. Bah, who cares.

Okay? Okay? I would argue electronic music is still punk. First many people found their way to synths by the way of a grown up in their lives who had one and abandoned it. The grown up used to go to the mall in the 70’s and they would walk by the organ store and some dude would be jamming out on an electric organ. They would go in and buy a Casio keyboard bring it home fiddle with it a bit and never touch it again. They the young person in the house would find it and start messing around on it. Then they would show their friends the old Casio and then together the young’ uns would discover new and completely wrong ways of using it. They the friend would get one that was broken and either fix it or play it in it’s broken state and Shazam! something new and different came out of the collaboration between the two friends. Then the friends used their tape recorder to make shitty tape of their experimental synth thing and bam! now they have something to share with others. They start lending the tape to other friends and those friends make copies of the tape and pass on the tape to next person etc. someone uses a part of their recording in something they are making and something different emerges. This goes on and on until others do similar things and now you have a genre. Or some shit.

I haven’t dissected or really made a distinction here. All I did was wrote a rambling post about electronic music and punk rock.

Stay tuned. Still trying to find my way in writing this blog. Hopefully this post got you thinking about something. Maybe it made you mad. Maybe it made you chuckle and think nostalgically about something related or not related. Maybe it spurred you to say fuck this dude I’m gonna write something about noise music because this asshole doesn’t know what he’s doing.



I failed to tell the story. I had a revelation while field recording.


I don’t know what I don’t know