making a buck by sitting at a table.

My friend asked me if I would sit at the admissions table at his toy show to collect entrance fees. The job paid $10.00 and hour to sit in air conditioning and take money and make change.

I’m an artist in the Midwest and sometimes you have to take a money making opportunity when one is offed. I found this 4 hour job from a tweet. 

$40 dollars may not seem like a lot of money but it pays more than a stream from Spotify or a sticker from my website or Etsy shop. 

I don’t have a steady job. I teach sound/ noise art part time at a university occasionally and the pay is low. I sell stickers and clothing online I put out music on all of the streaming services I occasionally get paid to perform I have received grants and fellowships I hustle to make a buck. I could probably do more to make more . Oh yeah but I forgot to mention my spouse has a decent job and I couldn’t do what I do without her contribution.

I’m not complaining.


am I a clown


road trip and how my studio process works