Hey I’m back

I’m back. Sorry for the disappearance. I took a break. I needed some head space to figure out direction of this blog. I think the description says it’s about sound. It is. The blog is about sound or will be eventually. Right now it’s about whatever is on my mind. Having the blog written about a bunch of stuff is probably something I should not do. I have some evidence of opinions from articles I have read which state my blog would be best served if I focused on one to three topics. Who knows if this advice is really true. I don’t even know how many people are active subscribers and reads of my blog. Stick with me while I figure this out. I’m an artist and educator and I do other things. Being a creative person whose mind jumps around a lot is a gift and a recipe for a mess. Oh well keep checking back here so when I start finding a path with this “sound blog” you may learn something.


Music Concrete


when will it all pay off?